
A LeadGen.com Case History

Selling Copiers to Law Firms

Sometimes, market practices turn value-add products into mere commodities, when in reality, they are so much more. That was exactly the situations a copier manufacturer faced when failing to penetrate the legal market.

So, they called in LeadGen.com. Discover how we de-commoditized the products, created value and dramatically increased sales all within the first month!


Major manufacturers of copiers and office equipment utilize Value-Added Resellers (VARs,) to market their products to local businesses. And over the years, VARs have gotten so competitive, and so aggressive with their tactics, that some have bordered on the unscrupulous. It is not uncommon, for example, for a copier vendor to put his company’s service tags over his competitor’s installed equipment’s tags, or to buy out a competitor’s lease with a product that has a low initial cost but higher consumables. But basically, they’ve turned a high tech product into a commodity.

The Problem

When LeadGen.com was approached by a copier VAR to penetrate the region’s law firms, we were a little reluctant. We didn’t want to participate in marketing practices that would reflect badly on us, or on the client. Based on projects we had done prior in the market, though, we knew how decisions were made at law firms, and thought we could apply it here without making matters worse.

The Solution

Calling into the Office Manager, we designed a pitch that targeted her latent desire to contribute to the growth of the firm. By focusing on improving document management capabilities, we showed how the product could enable the law firm to provide more services to their clients, and better service than their competitors.

The Result

De-commoditizing the product resulted in a rapid acquisition of appointments – over 40 in the first month alone, and numerous quick new sales for the VAR. And the Office Managers looked like heroes.

Are you looking to target the legal industry

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